Why and how do you create double chin?

Why and how do you create double chin?

There are generally three causes for chin:

1- Genetic and hereditary mumps

2- Increasing age and loosening of the neck skin and muscles

3- Obesity, which in many cases does not disappear even after weight loss, and are so-called resistant fats.

What is the problem with having a chin?

We all like to look beautiful or regain our beauty. For most people with this problem, especially women, having a chin is a big nightmare that is repeated every day. Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions to this problem.

What should be done to eliminate gingivitis?

Fortunately, both chin surgery and several non-surgical methods can be used for this problem. Solutions to this problem are often available, and especially non-surgical methods are offered in countless centers. Unfortunately, in many cases these complications occur due to lack of knowledge or experience of complications. We recommend that you do not make a final decision until you have seen or talked to a doctor.

Surgery is the most common method of choice for patients

What happens during surgery?

Since gingivitis is mainly caused by the migration of fat from the face and jaw, the main purpose is to drain excess fat in this area. If wrinkles occur due to sagging and aging wrinkles, your doctor will recommend a simultaneous neck lift or skin lift, and these two operations together will turn your face upside down and you will be much more beautiful. You are from the past.

People who are overweight are also advised to get rid of obesity.

You will not be anesthetized during the operation and you will not have to endure the effects of general anesthesia.

The doctor then makes several incisions in the sub-mental area (below the chin) and the sub-mandibular area (below the jaw) and then decides what technique to perform based on the looseness and firmness and the so-called elasticity of the skin in the area.

The surgeon moves from left and right to the chin area

What are the surgical methods? Which one is better? Are they lasting forever?

Surgical methods include liposuction and mini-lift surgery.

1- Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical method in the sense that it causes less damage to the body, it is usually performed between the ages of 20 and 50, and the quality of the skin is the main factor determining whether or not to use this method. For example, if the skin has good elasticity and the skin is smooth, liposuction will give a very good result, while if it is done on loose and unformable skin, it will leave a gap of fat and create a bad appearance. Slowly

2- Mini-lift surgery can be called the last shrapnel available for treatment-resistant wrinkles. In this procedure, the surgeon removes excess skin in this area with thin and delicate incisions around the jaw and neck. In fact, the mini-lift removes wrinkles by stretching the skin and relaxing muscles. After receiving this service, you should rest for 3 days, be monitored for 7 to 14 days, and follow other principles after general anesthesia.

The doctor determines the injection and incision points based on a pre-prepared pad

What are the complications of this surgery?

Fortunately, these two surgeries have no specific side effects, and whatever happens after the operation is a general complication of the surgery. Note that the razor blade is one of the most important factors involved in the outcome of the operation; For this reason, first make sure that your doctor is a competent doctor and then undergo surgery. After many searches and seeing his portfolio, we chose Dr. Peyman Boroumand. With a free initial visit and consultation, Dr. Boroumand will patiently listen to your words and make the necessary recommendations. So do not leave anything unsaid that in many cases, a simple mistake will cause an action to fail.

Common complications of surgeries

Bruising under the chin, swelling at the chin area, numbness of the operated area and infection if you do not cooperate with your doctor and do not use antibiotics and creams.

Postoperative instructions

The operation of the forehead has a gene, the correct closure of which is one of the most important points after the operation, and the quality of the result depends on it. It is very important to use it in the way that a specialist doctor wants. Carefully place it and know that it is useful for your faster recovery.

Do not work hard for fifteen to twenty days.

Genes and possibly bandages cause the limbs to become immobile. Pay attention to the coverage of the chin and neck.

Water and steam are harmful to your operation site, so keep your chin and neck out of the pool, both in the pool and in the bath (preferably postpone going to the pool until the end of your recovery).

Keep the dressing that your doctor gives you the same

Use medications or foods that heal wounds, such as citrus fruits and pineapples.

Try to make your bed sloping and if not, be sure to put a few pillows under your head.

Contact your doctor to discuss any problems you may have.

What are the common non-surgical methods?

For people who have a problem with gingivitis and for whatever reason do not want to go under the surgeon's razor, there are ways to eliminate gingivitis that help these people. We will review some of these methods together.

1- Hypnotherapy

2- Mesotherapy

3- Laser therapy

4- Ultrasound coagulation

5- RF

6- Kibla

7- Injection of fat dissolving substances (Lipodisalo)

8- Vacuum therapy

Based on the circumstances, the doctor decides which method to use


One of the most successful ways to solve the problem of chin and non-surgery that gives the person time to return home and work. In this method, ultrasound waves are fired at the skin in a coordinated and intense manner, but the main purpose of these destructive waves is controlled, the deeper layers of the skin. The subcutaneous fat layer is severely damaged and subsequently shrinks sharply after other tissues. Now 2 things happen:

First, severe damage to the subcutaneous adipose tissue, which was the primary target, and second, stimulating other tissues to produce collagen, which, in addition to destroying fat, also rejuvenate this area. Hypo's immunity and short recovery time is one of the popular methods of the disease that does not damage the main layers of the skin, namely the dermis and epidermis. Each session of hyperthermia lasts between half an hour to an hour and a half, which, of course, occurs in the first session if it is only for the purpose of removing wrinkles, and the patient does not need to rest after the session.

In special settings, high-power ultrasound targets and destroys strong ultrasound waves, but does not damage other tissues or areas. That is why its injuries are called controlled, which is very safe.

Are the effects of hypnotherapy lasting? Here one should be reasonable and expect a proportionate treatment. The effects of Haifu take 30 to 60 days to show, and the very first session will last for about a year to 18 months.


The function of mesotherapy is based on lipolysis. This method, as its name implies, destroys tissues and fat cells but does not harm other tissues. The fluid used in this method is injected at several points, especially the sub-mental area or the part under the chin where the fat cells accumulate and cause wrinkles. This is called a painless procedure that does not even require local anesthesia; At the same time, if the patient requests local anesthesia, he will be anesthetized. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires several sessions with intervals of 4 to 6 weeks, but after about 20 days, they will show their results little by little.

Ultrasound coitus

The ultrasound method, called ultrasound, is based on the strength of the cell membrane. In fact, because the weakest cell membranes are related to adipose tissue, ultrasound waves

By targeting the accumulation of cells and adipose tissue, they cause the fat

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[ پنجشنبه 31 تير 1400 ] [ 18:22 ] [ Reyhane ]

Liposuction and laser lipolysis of the body

Liposuction and laser lipolysis of the body

Liposuction removes fat selectively in the areas you want.


Liposuction (also known as lipoplasty) is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in Iran. Liposuction involves the selective removal of adipose tissue from various parts of the body using small incisions. As a result, it creates a smoother and more uniform appearance with the shortest recovery time.

Is Liposuction With A Tummy Tuck?

Diet and exercise burn fat. But there is no way to get rid of excess fat in certain areas. Some parts of the body store fat. When you lose weight through diet and exercise, your body loses fat based on your genetics. As the rest of the body gets thinner, the areas of fat accumulation become clearer. In women, these areas are around the thighs, abdomen, back and sides. In men, these parts are more on the sides and abdomen. Liposuction works selectively by removing adipose tissue in the desired areas. Sometimes liposuction is the only way to get rid of these problems without losing a lot of weight. If you need to remove fat locally, liposuction is the right method for you.

Who is a candidate for liposuction?

If you have unwanted fat in parts of your body that are still in place despite diet and exercise; You are a candidate for liposuction. Candidates for lipoplasty are usually not obese but have accumulated fat in some areas. Patients should have a BMI (body mass index) of less than 35 and preferably less than 30. As BMI increases, the results will not be favorable and the risk of problems increases. An important point to consider is the condition of the skin. Patients with low skin elasticity or scarring or scarring are not good candidates for this procedure. This operation can be performed on old or young patients. Dr. Nadaf will examine you and tell you if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

مهمImportant considerations about liposuction

Not a way to lose weight:

Liposuction is not a way to lose weight. Although the effects on your appearance are significant, the actual weight of the removed fat is relatively small.

Does not help cellulite (skin depressions):

Liposuction does not help with cellulite. Cellulite is a condition that occurs near the surface of the skin. Liposuction is not performed near the surface because doing so is very risky.

For liposuction, you need an experienced and qualified plastic surgery specialist:

The above shows your need for an experienced plastic surgeon to perform this surgery. Unfortunately, liposuction is also performed by non-surgeons, which sometimes has disastrous results. Over the years, Dr. Nadaf has evaluated and treated the experience and work of many patients with these problems. Liposuction is a procedure that is easy to learn but difficult to perform. The ability to perform this operation is just one of the prerequisites for successful liposuction. You should choose a surgeon who is sure that you are a good candidate for this operation and also suggests alternative methods and performs liposuction correctly and can prevent possible complications.

Different types of liposuction:

Tamocent liposuction is the most common method of liposuction and refers to a method in which a combination of serum and some drugs are injected into the affected area at the beginning of the operation.

Purpose of injection of tamosent fluid:

1- It tightens the tissues and allows easy removal of fat.

2. Provides fluid resuscitation for the patient.

3. Reduces bleeding.

4- It controls pain after surgery.

Most Tamosent fluid is removed by liposuction, but about 20% remains, which is slowly absorbed by the body or removed from the wound. Tamocent liposuction is performed with devices called cannulas that are connected to the suction device. The gentle movement of the cannula back and forth while connecting to the suction device causes the fat to come out.

Laser Liposuction (Lipo Smart):

Laser liposuction uses lasers to melt fats before removing them. This method causes the skin to shrink because the laser generates heat. However, there is very little scientific data on this and most surgeons believe that the amount of skin shrinkage is small.

Incision required for liposuction:

Each surgical procedure leaves a scar. The plastic surgeon specializes in making incisions and placing them where they are less visible. In the case of liposuction, the length of the wounds is 2-3 mm and they heal quickly so that they are not visible at all. Small incisions are made in hidden areas so that the liposuction cannula can be inserted into the adipose tissue. The wound combines naturally with the surrounding skin and hides in the body's natural grooves. Dr. Nadaf fully explains these things to you.

Details of liposuction:

Laser lipolysis and liposuction are usually performed under general anesthesia or awakening with intravenous sedatives. If you are under general anesthesia, you are completely unaware of the surroundings. In some patients, liposuction is performed on awakening.

Recovery period after liposuction:

You should not do strenuous activities at home. Bruising is seen in the operated wards. Liposuction areas may be painful. Dr. Nadaf will give you a sedative. Depending on the degree of pain tolerance; You can return to work within 3 days. Most patients return to work one week after surgery. You can start exercising a week after surgery.

Visit after liposuction:

Your first postoperative visit is one week after surgery. At the first visit, Dr. Nadaf removes the stitches. You can not feel any difference in your appearance until the inflation disappears. Like any other action; Liposuction also has its risks and problems. The risks are small but there are. During the consultation, Dr. Nadaf will inform you of the risks and problems.

Specific areas for liposuction

Abdominal liposuction:

Abdominal area is more liposuction than other places in Iran. Dr. Nadaf performs liposuction with three incisions: one in the navel and two in the lower abdomen. If your abdominal skin is overgrown or sagging, the skin will become more wrinkled at the end of the procedure. If you have sagging skin, liposuction will not eliminate your problem and you should consider abdominoplasty (abdominal cosmetic surgery). If abdominal skin is not overgrown, liposuction The abdomen reduces the layer of fat in the abdomen and you feel smoother, thinner and slimmer.

Lateral liposuction:

If you are worried about your side, liposuction will give you good results. Liposuction of the flanks is common in Iran. The purpose of this is to narrow the waist like an hourglass. In hip and side liposuction, the patient usually sleeps on his stomach because it provides better access to the fat areas. Two small cuts are made on the side. This allows female patients to wear crotchless trousers. The buttocks and hips are usually the most common site for men to undergo liposuction.

Liposuction inside and outside the thigh:

Is the outside of your thigh prominent? Are your thighs rubbing against each other? The thighs are a good area for liposuction because the accumulation of fat here is local. The most common areas in the thigh are the outer and inner thighs, although the front and back of the thigh are also liposucted. Fat accumulation on the outside of the thigh is known as saddle bags. Liposuction is performed on the outside of the thigh with a small incision in the crease below the buttocks. The ideal beauty for the inside of the thigh is that there is a distance between them when standing and opening the leg shoulder-width apart (do not rub against each other). A small incision is made in the groin. The anterior part of the thigh is also liposucted. This area should be liposucted carefully as removing too much fat can cause irregularities. The back of the thigh is also known as the back of the thigh. Most patients have a lot of fat in this area. This area can be liposucted alone or with the outs

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[ چهارشنبه 30 تير 1400 ] [ 21:43 ] [ Reyhane ]

Measures before liposuction

Measures before liposuction

In order to achieve the best results in plastic surgery, the surgeon's knowledge and experience, reasonable expectations and health conditions are involved. But the patient himself is one of the effective factors.

The procedures performed before surgery have a significant impact on the outcome of the surgery. But what to do before liposuction?

Reach the target weight

No specific weight is considered before liposuction. However, one of the most important preparations before liposuction is to reach or close to the desired body weight a few months before surgery.

Keep in mind that achieving the desired weight is different from the ideal weight. Many people will have excess fat in some areas even after reaching their desired weight. This is where liposuction comes in handy.

Build muscle

Although exercise-resistant fat removal can help you lose weight, surgery will make the underlying muscles appear. For example, people who want to have a sex pack need to work on the muscles in this area.

Liposuction helps to remove the fat from the area that covers the muscles.

To achieve ideal results, focus on building muscle from a few months before surgery. This will not only help you achieve the results you want faster but will also help speed up the healing process.

Change your diet

A healthy diet is always recommended, but it will be even more important when you are going for liposuction. The goal of having a healthy diet before surgery is to:

More health and help accelerate the healing process and increase skin elasticity. Recommended for patients on a diet rich in antioxidants and water, including:

- different types of berry

- Celery

- Cucumber

- Healthy oils such as olive oil

- Omega 3 fatty acids

- Special spices such as cinnamon and turmeric

Have. In addition, enough water should be consumed.

Limit nicotine intake

Nicotine consumption destroys the results of surgery. This substance narrows the blood vessels and reduces blood flow throughout the body. Blood vessels play a very important role in plastic surgery.

Adequate and effective blood flow has a great impact on the healing process, from accelerating the healing process to reducing the incidence of blood clots. To ensure a safe surgery and recovery period, smoking should be stopped before surgery.

Prepare the house Finally, before liposuction, prepare the home environment for the recovery period. Although the recovery period is fast, the patient needs to rest at home for a few days. Some of these preparations include:

- Buy foods that are easy to prepare

- Arrange the clothes and equipment you need

- Charging electrical devices

- Make the tools and equipment you need available

Keep in mind that the goal of pre-surgery preparation is to help speed up the healing process and make the results last longer. Although none of these measures guarantee the results of surgery, their observance can affect the success rate of surgery.

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[ چهارشنبه 30 تير 1400 ] [ 21:41 ] [ Reyhane ]

Uncategorized Home What is reduction mammoplasty and what are its benefits

Uncategorized Home What is reduction mammoplasty and what are its benefits?

Reduction mammoplasty can have significant benefits for women who want to have smaller and fitter breasts. Clinical and cosmetic reasons can encourage women to have this surgery. In any case, the goal of plastic surgeons is to provide the best possible experience and results for patients.

Plastic surgeons can reduce the size of your breasts to fit your body by removing excess fat, tissue and skin. This surgery is very popular among patients because it can reduce the discomfort and physical pain caused by large breasts along with beauty.

Reductive mammoplasty

Reduction mammoplasty is not just about beauty!

It is important to understand that for many women, oversized breasts are not only a matter of beauty but also a concern for their health. Large breasts can cause discomfort or pain in the shoulders, neck and back. Large breasts can also cause rashes, restrictions on physical activity, and even upper limb numbness, tingling, and headaches.

Typically, larger-than-usual breasts are sloping or drooping, and the size of the nipple areola may be quite large. Changing the breast tissue upwards and losing weight in this surgery is to help improve the appearance and reduce the pressure caused by the bra straps on her shoulders and neck.

What you need to know about reduction mammoplasty!

It is important for patients to understand that reduction mammoplasty may cause scarring, possible loss of nipple sensation, and inability to breastfeed. Plastic surgeon, who is a member of the Iranian Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons, will talk to you about all relevant issues and experiences he has with other patients.

Communicating with a plastic surgeon is crucial to getting the best possible result. Be sure to ask questions and address any concerns you may have about minimally invasive mammoplasty, and be prepared to discuss your goals for surgery. Plastic surgeons are trained to adapt the surgical procedure to each individual to optimize the outcome of the surgery.

Reduction mammoplasty is usually performed as an outpatient procedure that takes about two to three hours on average. Outpatient surgery means that the patient can be discharged the same day of surgery or the next morning and go home. If you are in the hospital, the best solution is to help control the pain and discomfort or nausea.

Reduction mammoplasty has long-term consequences.

Patient satisfaction after mammoplasty surgery is very significant and the results are long lasting. In addition, most women who undergo surgery later stated that their greatest regret was that they did not seek reduction mammoplasty earlier.

If you think that reduction mammoplasty surgery may be right for you, be sure to see a licensed plastic surgeon for advice. Think about all the sports activities as well as the clothes you dreamed of wearing and that your breasts fit the rest of your body! All of these can lead you to decide to have reduction mammoplasty. Of course, gathering information about this surgery is especially important.

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[ چهارشنبه 30 تير 1400 ] [ 21:40 ] [ Reyhane ]

What are the consequences of abdominoplasty?

What are the consequences of abdominoplasty?

Significant scars (attention) remain in the patient. The main scar is created obliquely in the lower abdomen and in standard abdominoplasty, scars are created around (around) the umbilicus. Various other scars may be the result of the patient's personal problems.

Scars are better in some patients. In all cases, all scars are red and swollen at first. It is essential that the patient consult with their surgeon about these scars before surgery and be aware of the outcome. However, the surgeon tries to cover the scar with underwear and a swimsuit.

Anesthesia in the lower abdomen after surgery is temporary but not permanent. High swelling of the scar, which is usually the result of accumulation of interstitial fluid, which is normally drawn from the groin.

What are the restrictions?

Due to the stretching of the skin downwards, the waist does not become stretched and stiff. If we want to tighten the waist, we have to remove the excess skin and fat by cutting it vertically. While scars caused by vertical incisions do not create a beautiful appearance on the body.

Normally, the abdominal wall has more adipose tissue than the groin. Therefore, if liposuction is not performed, we will see a bulge caused by adipose tissue on the upper surface of the remaining scars.

Recovery period

After the abdominoplasty is over, your abdomen and sutures will be bandaged. The area to be operated on is covered with a sterile bandage so that it is neither too tight nor too loose, and the dressing should be changed frequently until the wounds are completely healed.

A small tube may be temporarily implanted under the skin to collect water or other contents.

To expedite the healing process, the plastic surgeon will remind you of the following:

How to care for and dry wounds left over from cosmetic abdominal surgery Take the medicines needed to heal faster and prevent infection. Concerns that may exist about general health and the location of surgery.

Be sure to ask your plastic surgeon specific questions about the recovery period:

Where will I be taken after surgery? What medications will be prescribed after the operation? Will I have a dressing or bandage after the operation, when should the dressing be removed? Should the sutures be removed, when? Should I resume exercising? When should I go for follow-up?

Previous abdominal surgery may limit the results of abdominoplasty.

In women who have a history of cesarean delivery, the existing scar may be placed inside the new scar.

How much does abdominal surgery cost?

Cost is always a consideration for non-emergency surgeries. The cost of abdominal surgery can vary greatly. A surgeon's cost for abdominal surgery may vary based on his or her experience or geographical location. Many plastic surgeons can advise you on costs, so be sure to ask.

Costs may include:

The cost of the surgery fee The cost of the hospital or surgery center The cost of anesthesia The cost of prescriptions The cost of post-operative clothing The cost of medical tests

Your satisfaction is more important than the amount you pay.

Also, the salary of a plastic surgeon can vary depending on his experience, the technique used during the surgery and the location of the clinic. When choosing a plastic surgeon, do not forget to pay special attention to things like your comfort with him.

Familiarity with vocabulary

Abdominoplasty: Surgery to correct excess skin that hangs over the abdomen.

Diastasis: The state of opening the abdominal muscles apart.

General anesthesia: Taking medications or gases during surgery to relieve pain or change consciousness.

Hematoma: The accumulation of blood under the skin.

Intravenous relief: Injections of analgesics into a vein for sedation.

Liposuction: Also called lipoplasty and suction lippectomy, which is performed to remove fatty tissue from under the skin and reduce the fullness of the area.

Local anesthesia: Direct injection of the drug into the surgical incision site to relieve pain.

Sutures: The sutures that surgeons use to hold skin and tissues together.

Abdominal Surgery: Surgery to correct excess skin that is hanging over the abdomen.

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[ چهارشنبه 30 تير 1400 ] [ 21:38 ] [ Reyhane ]

abdominal surgery

Improve your appearance with cosmetic abdominal surgery

A firm and well-shaped abdomen is one of the criteria for fitness and almost all men and women try to achieve this by exercising and controlling their weight. But sometimes even with these methods, you can not achieve beauty and fitness. In the meantime, even people who are not very heavy can have a bulging or drooping abdomen.

Here are some common causes of abdominal cramps:

Increased hereditary factors Pregnancy experience Surgery in the abdomen Increase and decrease weight suddenly and in total frequent weight fluctuations

Abdominal cosmetic surgery or abdominoplasty is performed to remove excess fat or skin from the abdomen. In abdominoplasty, recovery of the weakened and degenerated part of the abdominal muscle tissue can greatly help to tighten this area.

What this does not do:

Although abdominoplasty can have a significant effect on the shape of your body, it does not cause weight loss and is not a substitute for exercise programs. Also, the persistence of positive results from abdominoplasty depends to a large extent on your exercise program.

Therefore, it is recommended that people who decide to lose more weight or want to experience pregnancy in the future, postpone abdominoplasty to the future.

Skin cracks are caused by the stretching of the skin as a result of weight gain and loss. These skin conditions, which are also found in most people, do not go away with abdominoplasty. Removing extra skin during cosmetic abdominal surgery may only greatly reduce the amount of these skin cracks.

Is this practice right for me?

Tommy Tuck or abdominoplasty depends entirely on the person's choice (regardless of the opinion of others or approaching an ideal mental image). In general, abdominoplasty can be helpful for the following people:

People who are physically fit and have a stable weight. People who are familiar with the complications of this operation and have a rational idea of ​​the results of the operation. People who are not smokers. People who are dissatisfied with the bad shape of their abdomen.

What to do during the counseling session?

The success and safety of cosmetic abdominal surgery depends to a large extent on your preoperative condition. Therefore, it is better to provide all the necessary information about your lifestyle and general condition to the relevant plastic surgeon.

Be prepared to talk about the following:

Your goals for abdominoplasty surgery are your health status, drug allergies, and the medications you are taking. Uses of medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcoholic beverages, and drugs.

The plastic surgeon should discuss the following issues with you before the abdominoplasty consultation:

Assessment of general health status, patient care and side effects of imaging operations required for abdominoplasty. Options for abdominoplasty. Treatment recommendations

Preparing for surgery

To prepare for abdominoplasty, a plastic surgeon recommends the following:

Perform routine preoperative tests such as CBC‌, blood sugar, urea, creatinine, coagulation tests, and other tests. Depending on the surgeon, take certain medications or change the way you use your current medications. Smoking and tobacco products include nicotine derivatives, chewing gum, and e-cigarettes. Quit surgery 4) up to 6 weeks before surgery (smoking can delay wound healing, skin necrosis and chest infections. From taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs (Advil, Motrin, Aleve) and dietary and herbal supplements) Vitamin E, Avoid omega-3 fatty acids and green tea, which may increase the risk of bleeding. Avoid taking birth control pills 6 weeks before surgery and use an alternative method to reduce the risk of blood clot thrombosis.

Your special training will include the following:

Necessary measures on the day of surgery or the use of anesthesia during abdominal surgery. Postoperative care tips and follow-ups required

Important Facts About The Risks Of Abdominoplasty

Although abdominoplasty can bring you closer to your cosmetic goals, it is usually not a necessary surgery and you can decide for yourself whether or not to do it. Therefore, it is better before cosmetic surgery. Get to know the abdomen and its possible side effects.

You will be asked to sign consent forms to make sure you fully understand the type of surgery, the risks and possible side effects.

Possible complications of abdominoplasty include:

Complications of Anesthesia Hemorrhage Infection of Air Embolism During Cold Injection Slow Healing of Wounds and Scars from Surgery Loss of a large portion of sensory dermatitis and hypersensitivity of the skin and prolonged abdominal swelling after surgery Unpleasant scars and excessive skin sensation and incorrect sutures This means that part of the fatty tissue under the skin is lost in a way that causes the skin to sink. Deep vein thrombosis, heart and lung disease may occur during surgery. Abdominal heterogeneity and lack of appearance of the abdominal pain. Successive

If your abdominoplasty surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, you will need to have someone with you to take you to the surgery site and take you home.

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[ چهارشنبه 30 تير 1400 ] [ 21:37 ] [ Reyhane ]